Stepan Sobanov
Stepan Sobanov
Composer - Producer - Arranger


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Last part of the piece "Fragmente aus Narziss und Goldmund" for Viola, Double Bass, Piano and Narrator.Although it is the last of seven pieces, "Goldmund Theme" was actually the first piece written - I knew exactly how I wanted this composition to e…

Last part of the piece "Fragmente aus Narziss und Goldmund" for Viola, Double Bass, Piano and Narrator.

Although it is the last of seven pieces, "Goldmund Theme" was actually the first piece written - I knew exactly how I wanted this composition to end, so I started from there.

The melody was created while improvising on the piano, which I find quite fitting to Goldmund's nature (from Hesse's "Narcissus and Goldmund") and later arranged for viola and piano.

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film and motion

Passwort: ratten / Short film by Dmitrijs Fjodorovs

Short film by Florian Krischke

MDW Vienna Promotion Video - film by Showreal Filmproduktion



Created for the game “Erfrechung” as part of the FH Hagenberg Game Jam

Created for the game “Erfrechung” as part of the FH Hagenberg Game Jam

“Push and stomp your way to victory in this exciting brawler for friends and family!”Created by Navel, winner of Deutscher Computerspielpreis

“Push and stomp your way to victory in this exciting brawler for friends and family!”

Created by Navel, winner of Deutscher Computerspielpreis

Created for the game “Untouchable” as part of “My First Game Jam: Winter 2018”

Created for the game “Untouchable” as part of “My First Game Jam: Winter 2018”


concert - songs

This composition is based on "Narcissus and Goldmund" by Hermann Hesse and refers to the first third of the book. The main idea of this piece is to reflect the differences (rationality vs emotionality) and relationship between the protagonists Narci…

This composition is based on "Narcissus and Goldmund" by Hermann Hesse and refers to the first third of the book. The main idea of this piece is to reflect the differences (rationality vs emotionality) and relationship between the protagonists Narcissus and Goldmund.

The text written by Anete Liepina is a children's poem about laziness. Translated from Latvian: "You can't get up because a bear is lying on top of you".The song was used for a Chinese TV series in 2016.

The text written by Anete Liepina is a children's poem about laziness. Translated from Latvian: "You can't get up because a bear is lying on top of you".

The song was used for a Chinese TV series in 2016.

A song that started as a simple demo underscore for the short film “Das Spiel” and at the end got it’s own music video.

A song that started as a simple demo underscore for the short film “Das Spiel” and at the end got it’s own music video.

This composition is a result of the confrontation and synthesis of two seemingly unrelated areas in music.On the one hand, we find the concept of serial music, on the other the essence of the music genre rap.It is a meeting of European modern compos…

This composition is a result of the confrontation and synthesis of two seemingly unrelated areas in music.

On the one hand, we find the concept of serial music, on the other the essence of the music genre rap.

It is a meeting of European modern compositional technique and American text-based rhythm.

“Aufzug Trio” holds a special place in my heart as my first take on classical contemporary music.Let's say you've been a concert music visitor for years. Each time you go to the concert, it gets more and more annoying to wait for the entrance and th…

“Aufzug Trio” holds a special place in my heart as my first take on classical contemporary music.

Let's say you've been a concert music visitor for years. Each time you go to the concert, it gets more and more annoying to wait for the entrance and the elevator. What would that sound like?

Marcharie is an aspiring singer from Austria. She made her debut at the Univsion Songcontest 2018, winning 1st place with my song “Those Memories”.“Only Love” is our third collaboration - lyrics by her.

Marcharie is an aspiring singer from Austria. She made her debut at the Univsion Songcontest 2018, winning 1st place with my song “Those Memories”.

“Only Love” is our third collaboration - lyrics by her.